by Ed H Edwards, Lansing Chapter Member, avid hunter, and fisherman The 2022 Wish Hunt was successful in providing hope through a quality hunting experience and fellowship. Lord, you are my hope; [...]
by Ed H. Edwards, SCI Lansing Chapter Member, avid hunter, and fisherman Shaming: The act or activity of subjecting someone to disgrace, humiliation, or disrespect by public exposure or [...]
by Brianna Metcalf, an avid hunter, and daughter of our current Lansing Chapter President Bang! The bird went down, Tanner went after it and brought it to Mom. Now, most people would say that [...]
by Ed H. Edwards, SCI Lansing Chapter Member, avid hunter, and fisherman SCI Members from Five States Travel to Idaho and Have a Blast! Take them! Four Giant Canada geese settle into our [...]
by Ed H. Edwards, SCI Lansing Chapter Member, avid hunter, and fisherman I’m often asked when does the hunting season start? An interesting question with many possible answers and for me 2021 [...]
by Ed H. Edwards, SCI Lansing Chapter Member, and avid hunter After eight days of 10-mile hikes, a bull stood broadside 150 yards away alerted but not spooked. The crosshairs settled on the elk’s [...]
By Ed H. Edwards, SCI Lansing Chapter Member and avid hunter If you enjoy turkey hunting, you will enjoy this brief history lesson on turkey hunting in the United States. Come on spread out and [...]
by Ed H. Edwards, SCI Lansing member “A hunt based only on trophies taken falls short of what the ultimate goal should be” -Fred Bear Every year there is more conflict among hunters and confusion [...]