Bear Hunting in Maine: Joshua Reynolds’ Unforgettable Adventure
by Joshua Reynolds, Lansing SCI member and avid hunter
Chapter member Josh Reynolds recently hunted a bear in Maine with two bonus introduced species, here is his story!
We stalked within 45 yards and ran out of cover of a red deer that looked like it belonged on a New Zealand Outfitters brochure. It’s not what I would call a long shot but it wasn’t a short one either. My Mathews Monster felt good in my hands as I drew for the shot. The stag was slightly quartering away and my release felt good. The Grim Reaper mechanical performed perfectly taking out a lung and liver. After an approximate 100-yard dash the stag was down!
Definitely no ground shrinkage on this baby. SCI 584 4/8 making it the #1 for North American bow and arrow!
My First Bear of 2024
I was able to take my 1st ever bear using my Remington model 700 30-06 using a factory 180-grain Core-Locs. The bear’s gross weight was 185# and I was as happy as a seagull with a French fry to take it.
My last two days in Maine were spent trying for a spooky Fallow deer. On the evening of the last day, I took a nice one using my 30-06.
Grand Lake Hunt
The Maine hunt took place at Grand Lake Hunt in Danford, Maine. The owner of Great Lakes Hunts is Corey Lord, a 30-year US Army Veteran and a phenomenal person to hunt with. Great Lakes Hunts property consists of 800 acres with introduced:
- Elk
- Red- deer
- Bison
- Free-range moose
- Whitetail
- Bear
- Turkey
- Grouse
Thirteen bodies of water are within a 15-minute drive from the lodge so fishing is also available.
My 2nd Bear of 2024
The Maine trip was the 1st week of September and just before leaving received notice I successfully drew a Michigan bear tag. On October 4 th I took a 275# gross weight bear near Vanderbilt using my Mathews bow.
My 2024 fall season concluded at Monarch Rivers in Kampsville, Illinois on November 20th with a 10-point whitetail using my crossbow.
What a season!
Safari Club International is the leading voice in the fight to protect the freedom to hunt, both in the United States and internationally. The SCI Departments of Legal Advocacy Resources and International Affairs and Government Relations are headquartered in Washington, D.C., advocating on behalf of SCI members and non-members alike. From staff dedicated to legislation and policy to a team of litigators, SCI hunter advocacy is at the forefront of protecting the hunting heritage. SCI and the SCI Foundation provide the voice of the hunter in treaties that affect hunting and wildlife conservation worldwide. This is where SCI and SCI Foundation go beyond what other hunter organizations do and why their work in this arena is critical to preserving the right to hunt. Plus, we have lots of fun and events like this one!
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