Our Virtual Fundraiser & Auction was a Huge Success!
The Lansing SCI chapter’s 20th annual fundraiser and auction was not cancelled! We moved it very quickly to an online virtual fundraiser format and it was a huge success!
Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this new adventure.
As many of you know, our annual banquet raises over 90% of the funds we need for the year. So, when we were faced with the possibility of having to cancel we had to get really creative, very quickly. We had to “shoot from the hip.” Good thing we hunters at good at that!
“The final numbers are still coming in, but this was one of our best years yet for net profits.
Definitely in the top best 5 years.”
-Mike Hoskins, Lansing SCI President
The Good & The Bad of Hosting a Virtual Fundraiser
The outcome of this event exceeded everything we hoped for, so there aren’t too many negatives. We’ll get those out the way first.
The Bad
Canceled Travel Plans. With a heavy heart we knew that outfitters, speakers, and other participants would have to cancel their travel plans. Presentations were cancelled. Raffles were cancelled. Our chapter had a big outlay of money to purchased items for the raffles. We turned many of these items into auction items but still have a lot left over. But don’t worry. We are already thinking up ways to use them to further promote our chapter and SCI as a whole.
Canceled Banquet Reservations. We also had to cancel our reservation with Eagle Eye Banquet Center. They have been hosting our event for several years and always take really good care of us. However, many people who had purchased tickets for this event would not accept a refund and instead donated the money back to the chapter. This generosity went a long way in making this one of the most successful fundraisers yet!
Lost Socialization. Lastly, it must just be said that we really missed seeing everyone in person. Many of our members are faithful about attending this annual event and we look forward to seeing all of you, even it if it just once a year. Hopefully we won’t have to wait a whole year to see you again.
The Good (even great) News
The Technical Side. We didn’t run into too many technical issues–although there was a quick learning curve.
We had about 170 items to describe and get online, including adding the raffle items that turned in auction items.
Six of us gathered in a room (this was before the full Stay-at-Home order was in effect). People from all over the world, including the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, and all over US, placed bets online. We had people monitoring the bids and relaying the information to the auctioneer through air pods. This allowed him to communicate with the people manning the internet so bids could come somewhat naturally.
The Money. We sold 90 items the first night and about 80 the second night. WOW! Many of the companies who generously donated items decided to donate even more. This includes outfitters who added additional trips. We will provide a list of these so we can properly give shout outs and thank yous.
All of this added up to a very successful virtual fundraiser and auction experience. Thank you again to each and every person who was a part of this. Whether you donated money, time, or items, purchased auction items, spread the news, and lent moral support, it all played a part in making it happen.
Cheers to a successful year!
Safari Club International is the leading voice in the fight to protect the freedom to hunt, both in the United States and internationally. The SCI Departments of Legal Advocacy Resources and International Affairs and Government Relations are headquartered in Washington, D.C., advocating on behalf of SCI members and non-members alike. From staff dedicated to legislation and policy to a team of litigators, SCI hunter advocacy is at the forefront of protecting the hunting heritage. SCI and the SCI Foundation provide the voice of the hunter in treaties that affect hunting and wildlife conservation worldwide. This is where SCI and SCI Foundation go beyond what other hunter organizations do and why their work in this arena is critical to preserving the right to hunt. Plus, we have lots of fun and events like this one!
To find out more information about SCI and joining our chapter, click below: